Archive for the ‘announcements’ Category


Posted: 12/08/2011 in announcements

Tunisia: a police station in Gafsa (south) was set in fire today after a court acquitted Ali Syriati (the former head of the security forces under Ben Ali), sentenced members of the Trabilsi family and others related to Ben Ali to prison terms between 6 years and 4 months (!!!), and other similar events. Some Tunisian joke by saying that it will not be a surprise if Ben Ali himself will be “found not guilty.”


On Wednesday January 19th 2011 the Palestinian people will congregate in Jerusalem, Ramallah, Gaza and Yafa to support the Tunisian people. Tunis’s revolution has proven, once again, that freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor. It must be demanded by the oppressed.


– A nonviolent demonstration to support the revolution in Tunis
– No Partisan Political Slogans
– Palestinian and Tunisian flags only
– We invite the police to maintain our safety and freedom of expression
– Palestinians will congregate in Al-Manara – Ramallah , Unknown Soldier Square Gaza , Damascus Gate – Jerusalem , and The Clock Tower in Yafa.


Posted: 16/01/2011 in announcements
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40 people attended TSC first meeting:  great discussion today (15 January 2011)…Thanks to all who have showed solidarity and participated in the first meeting of the campaign.


Posted: 13/01/2011 in announcements, articles

You are all welcome to attend our first meeting this Saturday at 7:00 pm.
The President Hotel: 66 Russell Square, Bloomsbury, London WC1N 1DB

Tunisia’s youth has revolution on its mind (the Guardian)